Let me start by introducing myself, My name is Sarah Smith. I am the creator and Owner of The Nail Shack. I have a sweet daughter and we've got big dreams!
I have been in the nail industry for over 9 years. I started at the front working appointments and answering calls. Quickly after realizing my passion for nails and making customers happy I decided to go straight into beauty school right after high school!
2013 and I was clocking out my time card and ready to take my boards to become a license cosmetologist! I went straight back into working at the nail salon only this time I went in as a tech then moving up to management!
Fast forward to 2015 and I was having a baby!! Being pregnant in a salon is definitely not fun and boy do you lost a lot of airways bending over doing pedicures! haha! I gave birth to her December 2015 and quickly realized I never wanted to ever be away from her again, so nails came to a holt. 3 months at home realizing I wanted to feel human again and get some adult interaction I posted on my moms Facebook page asking if they wanted to have a nail mom date! um genius!! I did nails, moms hung out and kids played! The mobile idea was an instant hit! I searched all day and night for months on how to make this a thing! If you knew me during this time you saw me hustling with my 4 month old in a car seat in one hand and a nail kit bag in the other working all hours of the day to make this possible.. The Mobile Salon! How do I get all that i need to people's locations way easier than what I am doing? a TRAILER duhh!! Blood sweat and tears. No one ever said this would be easy but also no one ever told me how many times id hammer my finger, cry and wanna give up or be told this just isn't going to work. Turns out I used it all as fuel because you see I had this little girl I needed to make a life for, this wasn't just a dream of mine now.
I learned everything from the way plumbing works, electrical ( side not: don't touch exposed wires when the unit is connected to power) haha, how to change a drill bit, how to sand and entire trailer by hand and also that it takes roughly 2 days, 16 hours and 3 coats of paint to cover this little beauty. I basically became YouTube certified in many areas! I learned the ins and outs of the laws and how everything works with each other.
I did quite a bit by myself but I can't even begin to thank the others who helped drastically! My parents, my ex and current boyfriend, my welders, my plumber and my dear friends who kept pushing me forward!
I could have just paid someone to build this entire thing for me then show up hook it up and start working. But, this was way more rewarding and has a whole other level of appreciation! I understand how it all works and instead of calling someone when something breaks I know exactly how it was all put in so chances are I have a pretty good idea that 1. I probably installed it and 2. how to attempt to fix it before I then finally call someone professional haha
It's April 14th 2019 and I am having my grand opening ! The Nail Shack is officially open and this life for my daughters future has just begun!
To my readers and clients. This wasn't easy, It definitely took a lot longer than I would've liked but as long as you know what the end game looks like and see how rewarding it will be then you'll be just fine!!
